
Lingotot West Wigan Centre
Lingotot West Wigan Centre
Hello! Bonjour! 你好!
My name is Natalie and I am local Wiganer who runs Lingotot West Wigan. Our award-winning Lingotot language classes are fun and interactive with songs, games, stories, and crafts all designed to help children learn naturally, without them even realising they are doing so.
I studied French with TESOL at university and had the pleasure of working with the British Council as a language assistant in Strasbourg, France aka The Capital of Christmas. After graduating, I trained and qualified as a Secondary MFL teacher where I taught French and Spanish. I then moved overseas to teach in Beijing, China and I ended up finding a passion for Early Years, play and inquiry-based education. I look forward to seeing you in class in a school, nursery or in the community very soon.
Which age is the right age to introduce a second language?
It is true what they say about children being like sponges and even if they aren't communicating in their first language yet. They are taking in everything, even a second language. Give it a few months and they will surprise you with what they are responding to.
Can we join a class midway through a term?
Absolutely! A full term is 10 weeks and I currently do bookings in half term slots (5 weeks). However, you are more than welcome to book on anytime and easily join in as each week is a different topic like greetings, colours, animals etc.
So for example, if there are 4 weeks left in the term then you just book and only pay for the remaining weeks.
Do you offer any discounts for siblings?
Yes, get in touch via email to arrange your discount. The offers I currently do are:
- 30% off for siblings.
- Children under 1 come free with a paying sibling.
Any other questions, please get in touch with me via email, telephone or social media.
Thank you, merci, 谢谢大家!
Contact West Wigan
Tel: 0845 680 8148
Twitter @LingototWiganWe
Instagram @lingototwestwigan