
Lingotot East Cork Centre

¡ Hola ! Bonjour !  🇪🇸🇫🇷

We are excited to be bringing our award-winning children's Spanish and French classes to East Cork.  We teach children under 4 with their parents, Junior & Senior Infants and 1st-6th classes. 

Lingotot teaches languages in primary schools, pre-schools and community venues. Our classes are fun and interactive with songs, games, stories and crafts all designed to help children learn naturally, without them even realising they’re doing so. Our aim is to give children a positive association with languages early on in their lives. As they progress through our structured programme, they gain in confidence, learn about other cultures and the older class group attain a solid base to take with them into secondary school.

We've been featured in the Cork Independent ! 

Cork Independent News Article

👨🏼‍🎓If you'd like us to approach your child's pre or primary school for a Spanish and/or French Afterschool club we would LOVE to hear from you.  We can start a new class with a minimum of 6 students .

Please email us : or register your interest here on this site .

xx Sofia & Team

Contact East Cork

Tel: 01 442 8689
Instagram @lingotot_eastcork

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