Lingotot Teacher "Brailled" It In Spanish!

Posted: Mon, Oct 14, 2024 9:43 AM
Lingotot is proud to share the inspirational story of Amy, who has been teaching Spanish to Frazer, a blind student, for the past four years. Throughout lockdowns and remote learning challenges, Frazer’s enthusiasm for Spanish has never wavered. His extraordinary memory and passion for the language have led to outstanding progress. "His memory is much better than mine," Amy said with a smile. "His enthusiasm for life and learning Spanish is infectious."
For the first three years, Frazer and Amy focused on speaking and listening skills, but this year marked an exciting new chapter. Amy took the bold step of learning how to write Braille in Spanish from scratch, enabling Frazer to begin reading and writing in the language, just like his peers.
"I am so proud of Frazer," Amy shared. "He is the most positive, fun-loving little boy with an infectious enthusiasm for life and Spanish. Even though he’s not such a fan of writing, he’s been working incredibly hard to ‘braille’ all about himself in Spanish. I can’t express how proud I am of him, and he’s my greatest career achievement."
Amy’s commitment to ensuring Frazer had the tools to fully participate in his Spanish lessons demonstrates her extraordinary commitment to her lingotots. "Learning Braille in Spanish was a challenge, but I wanted Frazer to have the same opportunity to read and write as the rest of my Lingotot students," Amy explained. "It’s been really rewarding for both of us.”
Lingotot founder, Angela Sterling said, “I am so proud of everything Frazer has achieved, he is a remarkable young man. Amy’s dedication to SEND is not a surprise as she always goes above and beyond for all of her students and she loves a challenge! I do think it’s important to publicly recognised her hard work. Thank you for all you do Amy.”
Watch Frazer and Amy in action here!
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