
Lingotot Durham Centre

Hallo! Bonjour! Hola!

I'm Lisa and I am the franchisee for Lingotot Durham, I am also a mum to two crazy boys, 16 and 8.

I have always been passionate about languages (I blame the chalet school books with their English, German and French days!) and studied German, French and Spanish at GCSE and A-Level. I went on to university and got a degree in modern foreign languages teaching. I have taught various combinations of the 3 languages throughout my career and love the buzz of someone getting something! 


At Lingotot Durham we provide German, French and Spanish classes for children aged 0-11 years old. Our multi award winning classes are interactive, friendly and, most importantly, fun; learning is through songs, games, stories, crafts and drama. We are now a team of 4 staff and offer community classes, nursery classes, after school clubs and primary language provision in the following settings:-

  • East Rainton Primary School
  • Hetton Primary School
  • Easington Lane Primary School
  • Wheatley Hill Primary School
  • Witton Gilbert Primary School
  • St. Oswald's CE Primary School
  • St. Margaret's CofE Primary School
  • St. Mary Magdalens RCVAPS, Seaham
  • Coxhoe Primary School
  • Child's Play, Seaham

Joining Lingotot was the perfect career for me as I could combine my passion for languages with my love of working with children, and being my own boss means I can make sure my own children don't miss out.

Lisa xo

Contact Durham

Tel: 0845 680 8148
Twitter @lingotot_durham
Instagram @lingototdurham

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