ONLINE Lingotot Generations FRENCH with Riverdale 0-5yrs

Many of you know about our Generations classes held in local care homes where we bring generations together and teach them a language.

As care homes have had to close their doors in the current climate, it is a pretty lonely time for many, but we have found a way of holding our classes via Zoom!!

That way they get a visit from lots of smiling children and their families, but we keep them safe from harm.

Join us for our weekly classes with new words, songs and fun.  The classes are FREE for all as part of our community offering, but places are limited.

This booking is for 3 sessions and is charged per family not per child - please pop all childrens' names in the same field.

Classes are hosted via Zoom. 

(To safeguard all learners you will be texted the URL and password to join the class 30 minutes before the class starts. If you register less than 30 minutes before the start of class, you won’t be able to join. You must accept photo and video consent to take part as we will require you to have your video switched on at all times during the lesson. We must see a parent or carer visible at least at the start of the lesson).

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£0.00 in total (per child) for the 0 sessions listed above


Bexley Lingotot Centre - About us


Zoom URL, DA16

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