Back to School For Lingotot!

Posted: Thu, Sep 9, 2021 9:27 AM
Over the summer, Lingotot businesses across the UK and Ireland have been running their well-known, fun-filled Holiday Camps, but the return of schools means all Lingotot classes are getting into full swing again.
Lingotot provides modern foreign language provision, covering the much needed lessons in schools and nurseries where teachers do not speak a second language. The new academic year means children aged 0-12 will be benefiting from these fun and interactive classes (in person!) once again.
The Lingotot network also runs classes in community venues in local areas across the UK and Ireland. Individual businesses hold classes in one of the eight Lingotot languages available (French, Spanish, Italian, German, Mandarin, Arabic, Welsh and English) to a specific age group. There are also many online classes available so your child can learn from the comfort of your own home. You can find classes in your local area on the Lingotot website; simply enter your location in the search bar on the home page. You also might want to keep a lookout for some October Half Term Holiday Camps in your local area!
Angela Sterling, founder and CEO of Lingotot, says ‘it is so wonderful to be getting back into our normal Lingotot routine. The pandemic has seen some ups and downs, but we have all pulled together and come out stronger than ever. To be teaching our Little Lingotots face to face again in schools, nurseries and communities is a fantastic feeling.’
You can get in touch with Lingotot at or 0845 680 8148.
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